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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2008


And now when I look at you - I'm red like a tomato I hardly articulate "Hello", and I'm so ashamed... Cause every night, every night - I see you in my wet dream You are just like a porn star; and I suck your cock like a whore I feel like a whore when I see you in my dreams I feel like a whore when I see you in my wet dreams...*


'In old times, and also in our time among the Indian tribes, psychedelic substances were considered sacred and they were used with the right attitude and in a ritual and spiritual context. And what a difference if we compare it with the careless and irresponsible use of LSD in the streets and in the discotheques of New York City and everywhere in the West. It is a tragic misunderstanding of the nature and the meaning of these kinds of substances...' AlbertHoffman.-

QeridoMaestro - Parte I

PuPé says: jaja puff, cheee no sabes lo q es mi profee tangerine.- says: lindo? malo? bueno? PuPé says: liiiindo tangerine.- says: jajajajajaj lo quiero verrrr!!! el mio es el (nopuedodecirlo)! un copadooo! PuPé says: jaja sii! no sabia si dcirte o invitarte directamente a admirarlo en vivo y en directo jajja ya veo q dsps no t gusta y me dcis AYYYYYYYYY ES FEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOO!! tangerine.- says: jajajajjaja naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! seguro es lindo se llama nacho? PuPé says: nop, Lito (L) jaja tangerine.- says: ajjajajajaa pajera... el lunes a primera hora paso! Y el lunes a primera hora pase. El taller era un quilombo padre porqe estaban haciendo un esquicio (qe es eso donde te dejan actuar como un nene de 4 años con Plasticola de colores, papeles y brillantina porqe supuestamente haces arquitectura). Entre 250 personas haciendo boludeces se me complico bastante encontrar a Pupé, asi qe me pegue una recorrida por el aula tratando de divisar a mi amiga, y a su profesor, O